There are numerous things to take into account when looking for a packaging manufactory in China. Whether you are looking for packaging to brand your dropshipping products or simply sourcing stocks in China and wish your products to be delivered in a nice branded box, there are a few simple questions to ask yourself to find the perfect fit.
1 – What’s your quality needs?
The first element to consider when looking for a packaging supplier is defining your box specifications. What cardboard thickness do you need, do you wish to give a premium feeling with film laminate or special varnish?
You can find lots of different quality standards for a lot of different prices, so the first step is to set a budget and know what you are looking for.
2 – What quantity do you need?
You may see offers in the US or EU with very low minimum quantities. Well, that is usually for standard printed boxes or at a high price. Custom boxes imply that machines get calibrated, and this usually means a higher base fee. There are a few chances you’ll find a lower quantity than 500 boxes for an interesting price.
When sourcing in China, where cost of labor is lower, it might be easier to find low quantities at a competitive price. The minimum we have found on the market so far is 500 boxes (after tough negotiation), so at The Packtory we decided to make this a standard.
For special packaging like polymailers, quantities are much higher, ranging from 3000 to 5000; notably because of the machine calibration.
3 – Where packaging should be delivered?
Sourcing packaging in China is only interesting in two cases:
- You source your products there and want to get them already packed in a branded box. In that case, China is a perfect fit for you. You won’t have to pay for customs and some providers like The Packtory offer free delivery in China.
- You want your box delivered abroad and you are not concerned about shipping delays. Indeed packaging can rapidly become really heavy. There is no point finding cheaper prices in China and then pay for expensive shipping by plane. Boat is the only affordable solution for heavy package, but delivery can take up to 2 months.
4 – Will the box you fit your product?
Size matters. One of the biggest risks of not having a sample remains in having a product not fitting your boxes. If the boxes are too big, well, you can easily figure out solutions like shredded paper to protect your product. If the box is too small, well, you are screwed.
The easiest and cheapest solution consists in sending a sample over from your Chinese supplier to the printing factory. It is quick, and they will check if the product fit the box and advise you if not.
5 – Do you have ecological concerns?
Some people look for truly ecological packaging as part of their marketing. Some don’t but once they know how dirty the packaging industry can be (Natural forests from Asia disappear for such industries), they’ll spend more time searching for a recycled material packaging.
6 – Are you used to work with Chinese people?
Chinese people are hard workers, they can be tough in business and due to the cultural difference, most of people trying to do business in China get lost in translation. If sourcing a product is quite simple -it’s a basic transaction- handling a printed work from abroad can become a nightmare as there are many elements to take into account.
7 – Do you need really need a sample?
The first reaction when ordering a large quantity of boxes is “I want a sample”. The need to see and touch the thing before concluding the order is normal. A sample will usually cost you around 40 usd if you want it shipped abroad. While you can find free sample in your country for standard boxes, keep in mind you’ll have to carry the cost of international shipping and calibrating the machine if your box is custom. Add the lead time on top of that.
Some Chinese suppliers like The Packtory provide digital samples. It’s a good way to get a quality feeling and graphic check of the final output. Lead time is considerably reduced as you’ll receive pictures though the web.
8 – Do you need photoshoots?
In many case, people sourcing packaging in China never actually see the box they buy, as they are either sent as dropshipping, either sent to a shipping center like Amazon. It is useful in these case to ask for a box photoshoot. You can even get a product sent to the printing factories and get a professional photoshoot of both your product and the box.
9 – Do you need extra branding items?
Getting a box is a nice step towards product branding. What happens next?. There are plenty of other marketing elements you can make a good use of to strive your sales. Stickers, discount cards, flyers…Make sure you select a provider who can answer all these needs. You shouldn’t waste energy in managing delivery and packaging from different suppliers, it is already quite hard alone.
10 – Do you have your design ready?
The biggest issue with printing is often the many many exchanges between you and the printing team. Design needs to be adapted to the printer’s specification, colours need to be calibrated, dimensions need to be respected and so on so you get a quality printing at the end.
It’s already hard with a supplier from your culture, if you are to provide a design from your side and expect to handle that with Chinese suppliers, you might get yourself into a tough situation. That’s where The Packtory brings value, with its team of international & fluent professional who will handle this for you.
To sump it up, these 10 indications are only a preview of what you should take into account when looking for a supplier for your packaging in China. Any questions? The packtory team is here to answer them! write to us !
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Printing in China just got a lot easier, custom size packaging, design and printing all happens at the Packtory.